Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year Resolution for 2011

This year, I want to surround myself with 'like hearted' people and practice yoga every day to develop a healthier body and mind.  I don't think I mentioned the practice of Yoga earlier so I wanted to let you know how it helped me post surgery - physically and mentally.

I joined a local gym 6 months after the lung operation (in mid 2010) to help me gain strength and flexibility in my shoulders and back.  Four months of physiotherapy did not improve the level of stiffness I experienced in my right shoulder/rotator cuff.  There is a significant amount of scar tissue left in this area after the lung is removed.  The illustration below indicates just how close the shoulder muscles are to the lung:

Due to the operation on the right side,  I began to favour my left side and as a result my spine and neck became misaligned. The gym specialised in Yoga, Pilates and the added bonus was the 25 metre heated pool.

My first session of Yoga was amazing.  The instructor talked us through the Asanas (poses) and how yoga increased self awareness, self centredness, clarity and balance.    Our energy levels vary from day to day.  Some days we feel tired and others we are abundant with energy.  The practice of yoga allows us to discover the areas our body is strong or weak.

When I practise Yoga, it feels like I 'unblock' the energy that has been locked in the nervous system.  In between poses, the body tingles and the more you hold an Asana beyond your limits the deeper the relaxation.

The most significant change I found practising Yoga was the improvement in the breath and overall flexibillity.  Yoga encourages correct breathing and my left lung was able to receive maximum air.  Pure, oxygenated blood circulates through the body, keeping it healthy and free of disease.    To breathe fully with one lung is challenging but it can be done.  Feel your stomach expand ... then draw the air up into the lung.  The rib cage slowly expands sideways as air fills the lung.  Imagine breathing in PURE air that will lubricate and heal the body.  Somehow, the act of breathing in a quite space clears the mind and makes one grounded.

One thing is for sure, the mental and physical disciplines I've learned from Yoga helped me overcome the physical and mental limitations I placed on myself.  Yoga has given me greater balance, strength and it continuously soothes my mind.  Give it a go!

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